Welcome to Taz Stump Grinding
We offer stump removal services for residential, commercial, and municipal projects throughout all of Southern Oregon. Our stump removal is performed with a grinding process that is extremely neat and clean. We can remove any size stump in a safe manner. With the equipment we use at TAZ Stump Grinding we are able to grind stumps as close as six inches from any existing building or even closer to existing sidewalks and driveways. Stumps can be not only an eyesore, but also a hazardous impediment to get around. For the safety of yourself and passers by, grinding down those exposed stumps is an absolute necessity. We can get rid of a few stray stumps with no problem or we can clear an entire area out with our expert excavation services. To learn more about what it is that we do and how we can help you make your property safer and more beautiful, visit our services page.

Removal, Excavation & Cleanup Services
We remove exposed stumps, excavate any surrounding roots systems and clean the mess up. You will hardly know the stump and Taz Stump Grinding was even there.

Stump Removal
We will grind the stump down below ground surface. This is our basic service, Ask for a quote on other services.

Excavate Area
We will remove root structures and replace topsoil or ground cover. Ask for a quote.

Cleanup debris
We will cleanup and remove debris after the stump is removed, back fill the surface with materials availble. Ask for quote to replace or add additional materials.

Our Work
What it looks like, Check it out.

Let’s Remove that Eyesore, and Cleanup Hazards.
Take a little time to call and get a quote.